A Study on the Safe Clearance for Persons from Running Quasi-High-Speed Train 准高速列车侧向人员安全距离的研究
Discussion on the Safe Clearance of Big Cooling Towers 大型冷却塔防护间距的探讨
As required by the safe operation of high-speed passenger trains, the paper studies on the track geometry profile measurement system, the environment supervision system, the clearance measurement system and the on-board LAN system, which are used on the track status-confirmation car. 根据高速旅客列车安全运行的要求,研制用于轨道状态确认车上的轨道几何检测系统、环境监视系统、限界检测系统及车载局域网系统。
Determination of ship's safe under-keel clearance 船舶安全富余水深的确定
There are two different concepts for safe clearance in tank farm: fire safe clearance, and protective safe clearance. 油库安全距离有两个不同的概念,一个是防火安全距离;另一个是防护安全距离。
Conclusions: Stone-fetching therapy by opening kidney after hypothermic transient interruption of the renal artery has the advantage of simple, safe, high single time clearance rate, few postoperative complications and preservation of renal function. 结论:低温肾动脉阻断肾实质切开取石术具有操作简单、手术安全、取净率高、术后并发症少、肾功能保护好等优点。
Bubble Chamber Honeycomb sealing technology could make steam turbine unit operation safe and economic due to geometric parameters optimization of honeycomb seals when decreasing radial labyrinth clearance. 蜂窝式密封新技术在减小汽封径向间隙的同时,借助于优化密封蜂窝室几何参数显著提高了汽轮机组的安全经济性。